My Classroom Website

I hope you all are having a great summer so far!  I can't believe that the month of June is almost over.  Even though it is summer vacation, some of us have been very busy getting things ready for the theme for next school year.  Already we have had two work days at the Parent Teacher Resource Center and at least two more on the way.   If you haven't had time to help, don't worry because there will be plenty to do once school starts!  While you are here, please take a look at the list of up coming events and some of the things we need to be thinking about before school starts in August.  As you can see we need to have at least one meeting at the end of July or very first of August.  We also need to do some poster and locker decoration hanging before our kick off party the first week or so of August.  Have a great break!

~Miss F.~ 

Date:  Location:  Event: 
 June 30, 2010  PTRC/ Washington Elementary  PTRC Work Day  
 TBA  PTRC/ Washington Elementary  PTRC Work Day
 TBA TBA (it was suggested that possibly this could be done at Pizza Hut) Start of School Planning meeting
 TBA GBMS/Vets Lake Hang up posters and locker decorations/ start of school kick off BBQ